I am a little disappointed to be leaving Rexburg just as other family is finally coming to join me... but I feel that I've been here so long, it's time for me to move on. I'm just glad that I get to enjoy having my sister here for a couple months! That's the longest time I've been with family for several years!
I'm trying to make the most of this last semester. My Ultimate Frisbee team has won all three of our games by quite a lot and we are excited for our upcoming game on Saturday. I have been getting so much better and have been learning new strategies every day! It's so much fun! I hope that maybe I will be able to organize a team wherever I live next or maybe even coach younger kids... that would be fun.
I hardly ever get to work at the ropes course anymore because of the cold weather. I'm going to miss that job a lot. More than the job, I'm going to miss having my own private playground that I can go to and play on whenever I want to and experiment with all the equipment, hehe. :) Halloween is probably going to be my last day of work. We've decorated it to look like the pirate ship from Pirates of the Caribbean.
I'm going to miss having a temple so close by that I am able to attend sometimes more than once a week. I'm going to miss having so many young single adults in one place. I'm going to miss my apartment which I have lived in for seven semesters now. I'm definitely going to miss my roommates too. I've been rooming with some of them for four semesters now and I have really gotten close to a couple of them. They have really blessed my life. And... I'm going to miss my hair... because I'm chopping it all off right after I graduate... just thought you should all know! (: